Legacy Park Friends is a charitable organization that serves Greenville’s
Legacy Park through fundraising and volunteerism. This public park contains a large garden area that over the past decade “went to seed” and was begging for serious restoration. So, over the last 15 months, a small but mighty group of Hollingsworth neighborhood gardeners have pruned and cleared dead debris at the park Pavilion gardens and made way for perennial plantings with design help from Master Gardeners, Kelly T. and Bonnie W.. Several Legacy Park "friends"; purchased, transplanted, and installed over 125 pollinator-friendly plants. Their blooms already have attracted an assortment of bees and butterflies. This summer, volunteers can be found every Tuesday in the early hours watering, pruning, and weeding the garden. Visitors are welcome to stroll around the perimeter of the gardens to admire the natural beauty that these volunteers have created. This opportunity to help maintain the garden is open to all those who love to get their hands dirty! Learn more at legacyparkfriends.com or contact them at [email protected]. Comments are closed.