Clemson Extension Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic - a multi-disciplinary program which provides diagnoses and management recommendations for plant and turf problems, which include diseases, nematodes, weeds, environmental issues, nutritional deficiencies, and insect pests of plants. Forms, guidelines and other information is available.
Clemson Extension Carolina Yards Plant Database - contains nearly 300 plants that are suited to growing in South Carolina. Use the search options to help you make informed decisions when selecting plants. North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox - contains detailed descriptions and photographs of over 4,500 plants that grow in and around North Carolina. Of course, most are found in South Carolina as well.
Clemson/Greenville Extension Office - Clemson Cooperative Extension helps improve the quality of life of all South Carolinians by providing unbiased, research-based information through an array of public outreach programs in youth development; agribusiness; agriculture; food, nutrition and health; and natural resources. There is an office near you in Greenville.
Newcomers Guide to Gardening in the Upstate - Welcome to the Upstate! This information is being provided to help you and your family ‘GET GROWING’ in the Greater Greenville County area.
Soil Testing - Let Clemson Extension help you make sure your plants are growing in ideal soil conditions.
Raised Beds Gardening - Not every landscape is suitable for in-ground gardens. If this is the case, raised beds are an option.
Native Plant Alternatives - These native plants are suggested as alternatives to invasive exotic species in Upstate South Carolina.
What is my Cold Hardiness Planting Zone? - USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location.
Clemson Extension Carolina Yards Program - Clemson Extension's Carolina Yards program seeks to work with residents in creating healthy, watershed-friendly landscapes. Use simple and effective gardening methods to help guide you towards a low maintenance yard that works with nature, rather than against it.
Starting a School or Community Garden - Clemson Extension offers research-based horticulture training and technical assistance to school and community gardens throughout South Carolina. Find helpful resources and learn more about our online courses where participants learn valuable horticulture skills to enhance and grow their school and community-based garden projects.
Clemson Weed Identification Poster - Clemson's quick, photographic guide to identifying common weeds and a list of recommended weed identification reference guides.
Plant Problem Diagnostic Sheet - Fill out this questionnaire before asking for assistance. It will help you get the correct answers.