You may remember last spring that a plant called Fig Buttercup was in the news. Fig Buttercup (Ficaria verna) is so aggressively invasive - and has such a limited period of vulnerability - that it has actually been declared illegal in several states, including South Carolina. Last year the Clemson University Dept of Plant Industry reached out to the public throughout the state to request that people recognize and report it. Their request is still in effect and the public needs to be reminded! Fig Buttercup is blooming now, and its bright yellow flowers make it easy to spot. (See attached pics.) Now is also the optimum time to treat it. This year a varied coalition of agencies and organizations, led by the South Carolina Native Plant Society, has joined forces to fund a massive effort toward controlling Fig Buttercup in Greenville's Reedy River corridor. These sponsors include the South Carolina Exotic Pest Plant Council, Greenville County Soil & Water Conservation District, ReWa, Greater Greenville Master Gardeners Association, and Friends of the Reedy River. Invasive Plant Control, Inc, a nationally recognized invasive plant control firm out of Nashville (, has been contracted to treat Fig Buttercup along Greenville's centerpiece Reedy River and its tributaries, including Lake Conestee Nature Park. (I think IPC will be here through at least part of Thursday, March 19, if you want to get an action photo.) For more info, read You may also contact Bill Stringer, SC Native Plant Society, [email protected], 864-979-3169 Sherry Aultman, Clemson University Dept of Plant Industry, [email protected], 864-710-3895 Nancy Williams, Greater Greenville Master Gardeners Association, [email protected], 864-235-8282 Danny Howard, Greenville County Soil & Water Conservation District, [email protected], 864-608-1652 The four photos attached illustrate Fig Buttercup's adeptness at colonizing new teritory. Please let me know if there's anything else I can provide that will help to get the word out. Thank you - Janie Marlow SC Native Plant Society 864-420-4309 [email protected] April 22nd at 7pm
Its a candlelight vigil with speakers and musicians to celebrate the last 50 years and talk about the future of earth day. Just like in 1970 when 2 million people took to the streets, 1 billion people are expected to go outside and come together for Mother Earth. |