The Simpsonville Presbyterian Church Food Pantry, serves approximately 25 area families with various food items. After many years of supporting them with money (green) Master Gardener Janet B. decided to volunteer to support them with living green this past May.
The church, like so many churches, has a large lawn area which was basically mowed weeds. One of the members brought a tractor with a tiller and made an approximately 20 foot square garden. Janet started with 8 unmarked tomato plants and 4 unmarked pepper plants. Additionally I started marigolds, zucchini and butternut squash from seeds. Later she was gifted some eggplant seedlings they directly planted bush beans in three rows. Much later we planted a mix of okra Janet has two very helpful ladies who are volunteers at the food pantry. They live nearby and can check on watering regularly. A positive outcome of this project is three of the gentlemen "shoppers" have quietly surprised Janet with weeding the garden without a request being made. Janet said that she can tell they appreciate our efforts and want to be part of the greater good It's been a learning curve for this northern transplant but Janet has been pleasantly surprised and looking forward to a much bigger and more successful/ bountiful harvest next year. |